Here are some of the Comments from People who were there!!
Dear Crystal Skull Festival Team
Without your vision we would not have come together as ONE FAMILY. You said to me in Holland that someone else would have done it, but brother someone else didn't - you did and you should congratulate yourself and of course my beautiful sister (DesyRainbow) for carrying through with your vision and your dream- I know just how hard it was for you both at times. I'm so proud and glad you chose to be known again to your sister in England and will continue my support for you
in OUR work, because it's the work of everyone that will pull this through. Your enthusiasm and commitment to the event absolutely shone through - there was a beautiful excited Joshua there at the festival.
I got so many beautiful compliments for my sessions and for my talk and workshop, you helped to give me renewed confidence in my work and I feel great transformations to come.
SUSAN KITTS, England (Festival Presenter)
The Crystal Skull Festival was a great event where the feeling of oneness was predominant. This
is the the feeling how life should be on the planet among all human beings. I look forward to future events and wish many more to come.
Frank Hoogerbeets, The Netherlands
Ditrianum - www.ditrianum.org
(a sponsor for the Dutch 2007 mini-Event)
I like to thank you for organizing of the very wonderful skull event, last weekend in Zeeland
(i.e - the province in Holland where the Festival was held).
The saying good-bye was so overwhelming that I did not had the time to personally thank you for this event and to say see you again.
I have enjoyed it all from the very last minute on Friday till the last minute on Sunday-evening. I only did not participate on the
Saturday evening as I was very tired from all the impressions of the Saturday. The days were very special, in a very special environment. The participation of the these beautiful skulls ....I just can`t find the words to express what this all meant for me.
It was very special that I was able to put my 2 own skulls, who I have for 1 1/2 year now, with the big old skull. They are now fully charged and became very wise. Of course they we already wise but it is clear for me that more has happened with them.
Since the Festival I feel very quiet and powerful and I sleep very well. This was not the case before.
We are all one...big family! Love and Light
Joke R., The Netherlands
Thank you so much for organising the Crystal Skull event: I was present on the Friday evening session and it fulfilled my expectations
- there was very good energy around, I enjoyed it very much.
Natalia Follardt, the Netherlands
Dear Crystal Skull Friends,
I hope you (all) are fine and able now, to relax a bit after this great event!
Again I like to give my thanks for all the energy and passion you and the whole team put into
the Conference - it was very precious for me, to be part of it! and I was sorry to leave already
on Sunday morning, but I had to.
Gudrun Berger, Germany
Hi Crystal Skull Festival Team,
Congratulations! The conferece really was a big success.
It feels good to be part of it - I hope
that you´re were satisifed with my presentations. (yes people liked it very much, thanks)
Till soon, brother
Boris Schneickert, IKA International, Germany (Festival Presenter)
Dear Crystal Skull Festival Team,
Thank you for organising the amazing festival. It was just great to see everyone again, incredible to see "Synergy" and "Skelly" (a jade skull). People in the UK told me that they had felt the energy from the Festival all weekend here! I'm not surprised, as I saw all the Kingdoms come together when you sang the song at the wrap-up on Sunday evening.
Sending much love to you both and your Crystal family. Thank you so much for providing access
to all the fabulous events and wonderful Skulls, etc. that you have brought into people's lives.
Best wishes,
Vidya from England
Hi Crystal Skull Friends,
I was going to write to you today to say that the weekend was a great success and a foundation stone for many more powerful events. I was able to talk to some wonderful people in Holland and have already had contact with them by e-mail, new friendships formed, it seems so perfect. I saw a huge matrix being created by the Skull consciousness linking all the hearts of the people who participated and those who visited during the weekend and it is set and will continue to pulsate and grow.
Gillian Ellis, England
(assistant for Kathleen Murray & co-guardian of the Jade Skeleton)
Dear Crystal Skull Festival Team,
I would like to thank you for this wonderful opportunity to meet the crystal skulls, making it possible to walk around all day while feeling embraced by their beautiful energies.
Also thank you for inviting all the loving care-takers, healers, shamans, researchers and artists.
Wishing you love and light,
Marina from the Netherlands
At friday I was at the festival, It was really great, overwelming but
sadly enough I could not be there the rest of the days, I would of loved to have been there.
But not everything is possible.
I thank you so very much for the great experience, sofar and
hope that the rest of the days were as great and beautiful as the friday, but I'm sure they were.
thank you very much for all your beautiful work, and I hope to meet you again one day.
kind regards
Maria, The Netherlands
How can I stay updated to the New Crystal Skull Events
Due to the success of the Dutch Festival in the Netherlands, almost as soon as the Festival was concluded we were already planning more events. But this time, if everything works out as planned you will have several different locations you can go to. Currently, we have groups of friends working on events in Hungary, the Netherlands and the U.S. The non-profit Foundation in the Netherlands, the Crystal Skull WorldFoundation, will be helping to assist and coordinates these new events so will be done in a cooperative and unified manner. Never before, in the modern times has our world seen so many activities around the crystal skulls.
If you would like to be kept updated to the status of the new events. Please periodically check this website. All of the groups have agreed to post announcements and updates here and via our mailing list. So please either fill out our on-line request form (on the menu to your right, Contact Us) or join the mailing list (the menu to your right, Mailinglist). If you have specific questions you can contact us via email at: info@crystalskullevents.org
We hope to see you at one of the 2007 Crystal Skull Events.
This year is turning out to be another amazing year to share
the energy of the crystal skulls with people all over the world.
Your Crystal Skull Friends
The Crystal Skull WorldFoundation, the Netherlands
(representing the groups in Hungary, the Netherlands and U.S.)