What makes this Festival so unique and exciting?

  • A diverse group of crystal skull guardians will share some special Crystal Skulls. Some are very beautifully crafted and new. Others could be extremely old. It will be a truly remarkable collection of crystal skulls that have never been all together in one place before.

  • You can attend presentations and workshops from some of the most knowledgable teachers and researchers in the world about the crystal skulls including a few indigenous shamans. Perhaps they have the best understanding about the importance of the crystal skulls.

  • Visitors will have a personal opportunity to have a private encounter with the crystal skulls that will be present (including some very old skulls made of other types of minerals)

  • This is one of the first public events devoted exclusively just about "Crystal Skulls", and we hope it will be only one of a number of such conferences to be offered all over the planet. We hope to offer to you an event this year, the likes of which has never been seen before.

  • We, the organizers, are working tirelessly to create a very warm and friendly environment so that each participant (whether a speaker or attendee) can fully enjoy their time with us during this weekend. The conference will be a mixture of live presentations, booths and various types of entertainment (especially music!!).

  • However be warned, that attending this Festival, could forever change your life!!

How can I learn more about the activities of the Festival?

If you look to your right, you will notice the main menu for our website. By choosing the various linked items here you can learn more about the activities of the Festival. For example, take a peek and read a bit about our wonderful line-up of guest speakers and about their background. Or even check out what kinds of programs will be offered each day of the conference. Feel free to browse around and explore our website.

In the near future, we will continue to add more new information for this site, so be sure to check back frequently. Or perhaps become a member of our mailing list, which shares the latest news about happenings connected to the Festival. We are doing our best to answer most of your questions about the Festival via this website as well as providing you with a chance to learn a little more about the crystal skulls. Don't forget to look on the various pages for photos of some of the different crystal skulls that will be joing us!!

How can I register for the Festival?

To register for the Festival just click on the button below. We also have another page that you might wish to read that discusses our Terms and Conditions for registration. And if you have any questions at all, please contact us at: registration@crystalskullevents.org

Travel and Accomodations

We have a special page now (see Location/Directions on the menu to your right) that provides all of the key information you will need to know about the Festival such as its location, accomodations and various means of travel to arrive at the weekend event. Briefly, the Festival is being held in the village of Rilland at 't Klooster van Rilland. Rilland is located in the part of the Netherlands known as Zeeland. The hotel for the Festival is now booked. If you will contact our registration coordinator, Marie-Ann, at: registration@crystalskullevents.org she can assist you with any of your hotel accommodation needs. It is easy to travel to our location by car or train, and there are a few airports in Holland and Belgium that you can fly into. Again check our special page discussed above for more information or feel free at any time to email us at: info@crystalskullevents.org

Welcome to the Festival, The Crystal Skulls Invite You!!

We hope to meet you in the Netherlands in October 2006. The excitement for our Festival is definitely building and the word is getting out. Be sure you make your reservation before the Festival is sold out!! We have a limited number of tickets for this first one.